Saturday, November 6, 2010

A new space

moving... to a space more open and more appropriate:

thoughts on the process.... and there it continues, in its old form, and new.  come visit...

A "haiku" installation

more concretely forming...

a table of  in a pile, in a grid?
a fan, several feet away, in motion, moving their skins
the sound of water rushing, from hidden speakers, emanating from under the tabletop

and these words...somewhere...
sorrow breathes into 
tight spaces that lie waiting
river tumbles on

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Few little gems?

From the sketchbook.  Written in August.  I might like them.

a longing for ground
a hue, a scent; collisions
that break sweat.  Today.

lightness cast on limbs
tracing butterflies movements––
a washing away

sorrow breathes into 
tight spaces that lie waiting
river tumbles on

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day ??: Making some art

Time to come out from under...
underneath, underground, out from under the weight.
More combinations from the medical terminology study card set:

a slow heart rate
pertaining to the tongue


a dissolution of a vertebra
an inflammation of the tongue

difficulty breathing
an abnormally increased degree of sensation
"all powerful"


toward the near end
a stoppage of blood flow
incomplete expansion

apart; the breaking apart
blood vessel narrowing

a site of union
a bitter poison

fever without fever
together; living together

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day who knows what: not counting anymore

Hades visiting
evanescent chemistry
naked, white, sleeping

A gorgeous fall day, filled with images.  

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 84: After a hiatus

Smoothness in flight.  But only on the way back, the return.
I ruminate on the red cardinal, who lately has not crossed my path. I have been looking for other signs.  Gesticulating onion skins, do they whisper a promise of intimacy?

Now, suddenly, turbulence.  Mid-air, after acknowledging its lack.  Reminding me…. Do not get too comfortable.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 78: Flow and resistance, a potential installation

A vision of onions continues to beckon me. In a pile. On a table. Loose skins, being moved by air.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 77: The non-duality of absence and presence

Monday morning:  The old man who knows Sylvia's name hobbles by and I catch his movements.  He brings me such joy, walking so slowly, one foot in front of the other in a mechanical, broken body kind of way.  He emanates difficulty in his gate, yet he persists anyway.  His old dog on a leash.  A black and white Australian Shepherd, with grey hair... and one blue eye and one brown.

Fifteen minutes later: another old man walks by in the same direction.  Long grey hair and beard, bandana, shirtless.  Seemingly exercising.

I hear the wisdom in Saturn's voice.

Ten minutes later:  the same old man, the shirtless hippy, bounces in a strange perfunctory manner outside my window in the opposite direction.  He seems to be trying his hand at jogging.

Could Saturn have a sense of humor?

In meditation practice part of "achieving" presence means sitting inside the judgment that comes with realizing failure.  Not chasing it away, but watching it, accepting it.  My daily commitment continues to wane, spaces between posts becoming larger.  There is much potential for shame.  But I also realize in this opportunity that I do not believe in hard lines. Commitments sometimes require readjusting.  I am still "here" within the space of this public form of expression...nearby anyway, at all times. Its existence continuing to provide an anchor, and that is the point. However, I do realize that I can do better.  Much has fallen to the wayside, including the garden, which is dry and full of weeds.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 71: In the interludes

These deep long spaces, held open for moths to drink.  Ones that pollinate.  While nectar accumulates, I wait.  Congruency disappearing in the gaps.

Day 70: Phantasm

I am haunted by the presence of a limb gone missing.  This rapacious want, this dire craving, makes for a dark mood.  I am only half.

Friction in Eden, at the farm.  And in the cells. 
Swirling.  And killing the butterflies. 

Day 66-69: Delirium...

...that can only come from severe lack of sleep.  I am revisiting new motherhood again, in all its inexplicable randomness and challenges to sanity.  So I water the garden, quenching a deep thirst left from several weeks of neglect and late summer heat. 

I neglect many things lately.  While dispensing a burning gaze.  Onto a world inhabited by an image.  And swarming moths.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 65: Commencing

moments modified
a spiraling into red,
gold. a resistance

moths swarm the cat litter

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Days 61-64: Failure... stay on course.  Somewhat.  The tension of the square at work:  liberation and restriction.  But promises fade, despite the constance of the discipline.  These days I exist mindfully.  I am [mostly] present.  And not thinking to make words about it.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 60: Fitting

a congruency
under skin, and out of hair
no weeping,

Day 59: Possession

Reading tall tales of fortune-tellers and wicked girls.  And floating in a language not mine, but mine to be had.  “Mine.”  The word of the month.  Spoken incessantly by S who wants to possess the world, including me.  I am hers.  But unbound.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 58: Swooning...

...over Isabel's words:

You think in words; for you, language is an inexhaustible thread you weave as if life were created as you tell it.  I think in the frozen images of a photograph.  Not an image on a plate, but one traced by a fine pen, a small and perfect memory with the soft volumes and warm colors of a Renaissance painting, like an intention captured on grainy paper or cloth.  It is a prophetic moment; it is our entire existence, all we have lived and have yet to live, all times in one time, without beginning or end.

Day 57: Craft

falling for nine days and nine nights
and forged under a volcano

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 56: Swirling

a whirlpool, moving out
into intentioned waters

Day 55: Lightness?

I ascend… only to encounter a slaughter.

The bodies of hundreds of dead ladybugs on the floor of the the loft of the treehouse.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 54: Smoldering

Fire makes its way out through dead skin cells.

Day 53: Convergence

Another day in trees on sanctified land.  But marked by dissimilar intentions and a distinctly different community….  Worlds merge and tension mounts.  My pores bleed out the inner, and the outer holds an inaccurate reflection.

Though the red cardinal keeps crossing my path.  An indication?

And so I seek water…  

Day 52: Arriving home

An arial shot of myself.  Looking through windows… a distanced view.  Of scars and fractures and cast shadows.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 51: Taking leave of the Earth

Day 7 at Hambidge

Day 50: Currents

Day 6 at Hambidge

the wind dances, in
hot, humid air, not breathing
but holding...lightness

Day 49: Pairings

Day 5 at Hambidge
more from the Medical Terminology Study Card Set:

the deposition of semen within the female reproductive tract
the study of blood
thick speech

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 45: Arrival and a sign?

the front door to my studio/cabin... stuck between the screens 

Day 1 at Hambidge

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 44: Melancholy contentment

For breakfast–– A ringing of the Sunday bells.  An ease in the morning after good rest.  A trust in what is…  The cardinal visited again while Billie Holiday was singing her song. 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 41: Deep Venus space

A line calls forth in the ground.  After ants swarm.  And until ants swarm again.  A subtle gesture, unearthing food.  

Day 4 at Lama

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 40: Coming into being

Stillness steeping.  A merge into sky, stars, vapor.  The distanced view of rain provides a new perception, a deeper understanding of my spiritual agoraphobia.  An observation anyway. In the old growth, largeness.  A reinforcement of self-importance, of ego.  Here, vastness, smallness, inconsequentiality.  And therein lies the discomfort. 

But a concert mounts.  Between myself, and the lightning, and the itinerant rains…between the pines, the Sufi spirits, and even the hard ground.

Day 3 at Lama

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 39: In the desert

A serene view of limitless ground.  Of canyons, buttes, mountain plains.  I sip coffee while shrouded in a cloud and the sun touches down ahead, onto the rolling green river.  An intense ocular sensation.

I come to understand my preference for the old growth rainforest.  Cutting out vision heightens other senses.  Here, it is impossible not to gaze upon the immense earth with winded veneration.  Though a separation exists within the distanced view.  Here, there.  Me, mountain.  And I too much feel my selfness when walking on firm ground and when such immense blue swarms overhead.  Exposed to sky, and not sinking into land. 

when my vision is masked,
an openness.  With vastness,
an uncertainty.

Of my place.  But all of it.  An illusion.

Clearly there is an elegant energy here.  The legacy of Ram Dass and other spiritual teachers who have inhabited this land over the years…their presence passes through the morning vow of silence and other rituals.

Day 2 at Lama

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 37: Liminality and anticipation

rain wakens currents.
navigating erosion
to a homecoming?

About to embark on a retreat into the New Mexico mountains.  A retreat from all daily forest, to clouds.  To a “consecrated” Sangha, where Ram Dass wrote his first book.  Sleeping on the land, though downpours expected.  I have little indication of what the week will bring, except a revealing.  And wetness.  Given the "off-the-gridness" of the center, blog postings will be short.  Haikus, images….perhaps of little "art projects" should I be so lucky.

Perhaps I will be so saturated in Sangha, I will be full, inside and out.  Or, perhaps I will just be cold.  Perhaps everything will change.  Perhaps nothing at all.

Day 36: Always, tension in the inbetween sun and moon

in the interval
meanwhile, wearing away

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 35: Desire

A pathway to Sangha through the pores of the mouth?  Deep tongue kisses.  And chocolate lavender wedded in ground almonds.  Though, an idealization.  That only breeds longing and a pain in the bowels.  

a moment of joy 
essentially divulges 
a lock in deep trance

Day 34: Spontaneous iPhone haiku #3

been waiting to be seen...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 32: Homecoming

Cogitation.  Weight.  The anticipation of flight.  Many different homes mingling.  Oldness. Newness.  And the fury of preparation.  

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 31: Mourning

a voiceless lament
for edges, for lines,  for those
close by and long gone

The souls of Aunt Saretta and Grandpa are possibly skipping together in the ether at this moment.  Lillian, my grandmother, her sister, his wife, grieves, contemplates, reflects, makes peace.  She is good at that these days.  Markers of change, so many lately.  Infusing my being.  Soon, nothing will be as it was.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 30: Satiated

Like limbs indulging in long deep stretches, the creeping jenny creeps away, into muddy spaces.  Proliferating into wholeness.  They are fond of the home I’ve offered them.  Acceptance.  

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 29: Watering

A bird escaped from a fern this evening.  I inadvertently watered its house.

I understand this bird's nature. The desire for forest.

Likely it is the same bird that made a home in this sweet potato vine, 
until it too was watered. 

Though a genuine birdhouse sits empty next door...

I think I too would prefer soil over pre-fab.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 28: Wu wei

Acquiescing, while gently asserting.  Gently asserting, while acquiescing.  

Moving fluidly. Upright, poised, limber, malleable.  Strong.  A beautiful thing, a surprise. Moments emerge here and there like little fish.  Flecks of gold swimming around me.  

A memory from Costa Rica... of white herons:

tributaries, green
buttressing ghosts that hover
amid light shadows

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 25: Swimming

Swaddled in blue.  The paint found its way home.  Each day I will swim while I eat.  (The paint color name, incidentally, is Chartered Voyage).

With plunger in hand
I unleash steady waters.
Sustenance for heart

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 24: Swimming

Floating in imaginary waters.  The lagoon in Akumal.  The pools from my childhood.  A bath?  No....  It doesn’t matter.  What matters is feeling space beyond head, beyond fingers, toes.  And being held by warm atoms. 

Outside thunder crashes and the rains surge.  It is a nestling.  A forest of water.  My feet swim in the air.

The full day of rain leaves such a lushness in its wake.  Reminiscent of Costa Rica in summer–bird calls and yellow.  Behind a wash of grey, colors pop.  I swim in a cool quiet and inhale soothing wetness.  Though the tree in the corner of the yard remains dead. Naked branches among full green.

Day 23: more hokkuing

a divine abode
awaits beyond white spacesuits
distance lessening